Track your time on any activity. A complete history of your time is recorded, and used for allocation, progress tracking and reporting.
Track your progress in any activity in real time. See at a glance your current progress status. Easily change your estimates based on your current progress.
Plan your activities in advance with assigned tasks. Set estimated start and end dates for any project or task. Create reminders to alert you for deadlines.
Work Time Studio keeps track of the time you spend on your WorkItems with WorkItem Intervals. Each time you start the clock on a WorkItem, Work Time Studio creates a new clock on interval. If you pause the clock on the current WorkItem, Work Time Studio ends the clock on interval, and starts a new clock paused interval. If you have configured Work Time Studio to recognize when your computer is idle, and your computer has been idle for user specified time for the current WorkItem, Work Time Studio will end the clock on interval, and start a new clock idle interval for the current WorkItem. And, of course, when you stop the clock on the current WorkItem, Work Time Studio ends the clock on interval.
Need a little help remembering meetings, due dates, deadlines, or even lunch time? Let Work Time Studio remind you! With WorkItem events, you have a variety of reminder options. You can specify the reminder to have a specific lead time, that is, to be triggered at a certain duration before the event if you'd like. You can choose to be reminded with either a reminder popup or the reminders manager. You can even specify where on your monitor the reminder popup will appear, and how long it will be displayed until it closes automatically. You can also snooze the reminder, so that it will remind you again at a later time.
The Activity Calendar gives you several viewing modes you can use to view your interval history, or to just view the calendar in general. The viewing mode can be specified using the Caption Bar on top of the Activity Calendar. The most common view mode is the day view mode, which allows you to perform most of the operations on your WorkItem intervals. The day view mode can display a single or multiple days. The Activity Calendar also provides a week view mode, where a full week is displayed. The week which is displayed can be changed by using the vertical scrollbar which is displayed for the week view mode. Finally, a month view mode is provided, to allow you to view a full month at one time. The month view mode also provides a vertical scrollbar, so you can scroll the back or forward one week at a time.
If you need to adjust the start or end time of any of your WorkItem intervals, you can do that quickly and easily in the Activity Calendar, simply by dragging the top or bottom of the interval up or down. This is very handy for those times you forget to start clocking a WorkItem until after you've already started working on it.
Editing WorkItem intervals in the Activity Calendar gives you very precise control over the start and end times of the interval, and also allows you to change the interval's clocked state. You can specify the interval's start or end time down to the exact second. Or, if you know how long you worked during that interval, you can just enter the time duration, and the end time of the interval will be calculated automatically.
You've been working on a WorkItem for a matter of minutes, or maybe even hours, an you suddenly remember, you forgot to start the clock on the WorkItem. Don't worry, it's a simple problem to rectify, since the activity calendar allows you to change the starting time of the current interval. Just start the interval when you think about it, then, in the Activity Calendar, adjust the start time of the current interval to that time when you actually started working on it. Problem fixed, in just a few seconds.
Work Time Studio provides multiple ways you can keep an eye on the time you're spending on your tasks, as well as your collective time on your projects. Work Time Studio provides information on the current WorkItem at all times on the status bar and on the Studio Bar. This information includes the name and clocked state of the current WorkItem, and also the current interval time, total WorkItem time, and the collective WorkItem time. These times are displayed in real-time to the exact second. Also, the Activity Tree also displays the current WorkItem's actual time in real time, and updates the collective times of the current WorkItem's ancestors every minute. This allows you to monitor your progress and your productivity.
Work Time Studio provides many features to help you organize and track your time. It achieves this goal by first allowing you to break up your projects into WorkItems, which can be easily organized, managed, and maintained. Work Time Studio can then track and monitor the time you spend on your WorkItems. The time you spend on your WorkItems is broken down into WorkItem intervals. Intervals may be started, stopped, locked, or paused manually or automatically.
Work Time Studio provides ways to help you schedule your time. It achieves this goal with the use of WorkItem Events. You can use WorkItem events to schedule important single occurance and recurring events. The events will display on your Activity Calendar as a reminder for you. You can also set a reminder to occur for the event, in which case Work Time Studio will remind you when or before the event takes place. Creating events is as easy as dragging a WorkItem from the WorkItem Selection Tree onto the Activity Calendar.
There are a number of clock operations you can use to clock intervals for your WorkItems. You can start, stop, lock, pause, and resume the clock on your WorkItems manually, using various methods available in the interface, including toolbars, shortcut key assignments, and the Studio Bar. Or, you can configure Work Time Studio to start and stop the clock automatically when setting a WorkItem to a specific status type. Work Time Studio can also place the current WorkItem in an idle state if your computer has gone a specified amount of time with no human interaction. In this way, Work Time Studio records only the time you're being productive.
We all get interrupted from our work. Many times it takes us away from our desk. You can configure Work Time Studio to monitor your computer for times where there is no user activity for a specified amount of time. Once that time is reached, Work Time Studio will place the current WorkItem, if any, to an idle state. The current WorkItem will then stay in an idle state until user activity is resumed on the computer. Of course, you have full control of all the settings for this feature. You can even have Work Time Studio start the idle time period at the time of the last user interaction which took place on your computer, instead of the time when the computer had already been inactive for the specified time.
When you break a medium to large sized project or job into smaller and smaller chunks, which we call WorkItems, you can more accurately estimate the time it will take to finish the project or job. Work Time Studio enforces this Divide and Conquer practice, and also encourages you to enter estimated times for all your leaf WorkItems. Doing this allows all branch WorkItems to automatically calculate the total estimated times of their descendents, giving you a detailed account of the estimated time for all the different levels and branches of your WorkItem Hierarchy. Work Time Studio then uses this information to accurately track your progress, and display your progress at each level of the hierarchy.
The Activity Calendar provides you with many ways to customize its look and behavior. It offers several themes that you can apply to it's look, and even allows you to set the theme base color. You can also specify the start and end times of the Activity Calendar when it's in day view mode, as well as the start and end times of the typical work day period. You can set the time scale of the calendar, and specify whether minute marker labels should appear on the time scale. You can also specify if Work Time Studio should prompt you with confirmation dialogs when deleting intervals. More options allow you to customize the Acivity Calendar in other ways, so you can customize the calendar to look and behave just like you want.
The Activity Calendar provides several ways you can filter the WorkItem intervals which are displayed. The filter options are provided by the Activity Calendar toolbars. The toolbars allow you to filter your intervals by WorkItem type, WorkItem status, or interval type. You can also specify the intervals to display in the Activity Tree by manually selecting the WorkItems you wish to view using the WorkItem Selection Tree.
While using Work Time Studio, many WorkItem intervals will be created, which are stored in your user database. Editing and maintaining these intervals is very easy with Work Time Studio's Activity Calendar. Whether you have a few dozen or a few hundred thousand intervals, the Activity Calendar will allow you to quickly find and view those intervals that you're interested in. The Activity Calendar provides multiple view modes, including day view mode, week view mode, and month view mode.
The Activity Calendar is a good place to manage your schedules and events. You can create any number of events for your WorkItems. Create events for your estimated start dates and times, estimated end dates and times, meetings, deadlines, or just about any purpose at all. You can even create events to remind you of birthdays and anniversaries. You can easily make an event recurring, to make it occur daily, weekly, yearly, and more. Add, edit, and delete events right from the Activity Calendar is a snap.
Oops, you accidently tracked the wrong WorkItem. Or, you recorded an interval for one WorkItem, and discovered that you needed that time allocated to a different WorkItem. No problem! The Activity Calendar allows you to switch the WorkItem for any interval in a snap. Using the Quick Tree or Activity Tree, just drag the WorkItem into the Activity Calendar, and drop it onto the interval you need changed. The interval will immediately change to an interval of the WorkItem that you just dropped on it. It's that easy!
There may be some times which you will want to merge two or more intervals. One case is if you are actively working away from your computer, and you forgot to lock the clock on the current WorkItem. Work Time Studio may have clocked part of that period with a clock on interval and the other part of that period with a clock idle interval. So, you would want to merge these two intervals into a single clock on interval. This is easy to do. Just select both intervals in the Activity Calendar, and click the Merge Interval button on the Edit Interval Toolbar.
Expanding an interval changes the interval's start time to one second past the previous interval, and changes the interval's end time to one second before the following interval. This, in effect, expands the interval to fill in the gap between the previous and following interval. Exapanding an interval can be handy if there are gaps before and/or after an interval which shouldn't be there.
The Activity Calendar allows you to cut, copy, and paste WorkItem Intervals from one time to another. Cutting and pasting can be handy you need to change the day or time when an interval occured. Copying and pasting intervals can be very handy when creating your initial interval history, or if you need to fill in intervals for a time period you didn't clock. Once an interval has been copied, it can be pasted at multiple times and dates in the Activity Calendar very quickly. After pasting, the intervals can then be moved, resized, or edited if needed.
A new interval is created when you start or pause the clock on a WorkItem, or when the current WorkItem is automatically placed in an idle state. But what if you want to create intervals for previous time periods? One reason for doing this is to establish an interval history for WorkItems when you first start using Work Time Studio. Creating WorkItem intervals is as easy as dragging a WorkItem from the Quick Tree into the Activity Calendar, and dropping it at the location you wish. An interval will be created at that location, which you can then resize, move, or edit if needed.
The Activity Calendar provides a context menu which simplifies performing operations on intervals. You can access the context menu by right clicking on an interval. Any operation you select from the context menu will be performed on that interval. If you have cut or copied an interval, you can also right click at any location on the calendar, and the context menu will provide you with a paste operation.