Personal Information Management (PIM) Features

Work Time Studio works as a personal information manager, and outliner, allowing you to create, edit, save, and organize your notes, information, file links, URL links, and more. You can either enter notes as individual WorkItems, or store notes within your project and task WorkItems. Either way, your notes will be quickly available with a click of your mouse.

Outliner Software capabilities

Outliner Software

Work Time Studio provides robust outliner software cabablilites, with it's full featured RTF editor, and the ability to organize your notes right with your other WorkItems in a tree hierarchy. Once saved, you can easily move them around in the hierarchy. You can also save URL and file links for any WorkItem in your tree, using drag & drop.

Event Reminders

Resize Intervals

Need a little help remembering meetings, due dates, deadlines, or even lunch time? Let Work Time Studio remind you! With WorkItem events, you have a variety of reminder options. You can specify the reminder to have a specific lead time, that is, to be triggered at a certain duration before the event if you'd like. You can choose to be reminded with either a reminder popup or the reminders manager. You can even specify where on your monitor the reminder popup will appear, and how long it will be displayed until it closes automatically. You can also snooze the reminder, so that it will remind you again at a later time.

Add or Drag and Drop URL's Into Your Notes

Add URL's to your notes

In addition to adding URL's to the Links Pane, you can also add them to your notes. Just drag and drop a URL from your web browser right into your notes to form a hyperlink to that web page. You have the option of viewing a hyperlink edit dialog after dropping the URL into the notes, to edit the url title, or bypassing the url edit dialog. Simply click on the link in your notes to open the web page in your default browser.

Show or Hide Table Grid Lines

Table Grid Lines

When using tables in WorkItem Notes, you have a variety of display options for each table. One handy option is the display of grid lines in the table, which you can turn on and off. The grid lines do not display when you are in print preview mode, or when when you print the note. They are only shown in editing mode. Having the ability to turn the grid lines off shows you how the table and contents will look like on the printed page.

Save Links to Your Favorite Websites


The Links Pane allows you to save links to your favorite web sites. Just drag and drop the URL from your browser into the Links Pane, or right onto a WorkItem. Work Time Studio will fetch the title of the web page, and use it for the title when it adds the URL link to the Links Pane. Just double click on any of your saved URL links to open the site in your default browser. You can also add a description to your URL links, as well as edit the title or URL.

PIM Software Capabilities

Activity Task Tree

Work Time Studio has all the PIM software features you need. A full featured RTF editor allows you to store and categorize information, notes, or any kind of information. The Links pane allows you to store and categorize URL links and links to documents, photos, or any file on your computer. You can access the web sites or files by simply double clicking on the link in the Links pane. You can create the links quickly and easily with drag and drop operations.

Add Check Lists to Your Notes

Project WorkItem Hierarchy

It's easy to create a check list within your notes. A check list is similar to a bullet list, except that checkboxes are used instead of bullets. Your check list can even be hierarchial (have multiple levels). You can easily check items in your check list, by simply clicking on the check box. Doing this will toggle the check mark on and off, and will also show the text for that item in strikout font. That way, you can quickly see which items in your check lists have been completed and which ones are still outstanding.

Save Links to Your Documents or Any File

File Links

Save links to documents, images, photos, or any file. Just drag and drop the file directly into the Links Pane, or onto any WorkItem. When dropping the file onto a WorkItem, it will create the link for that WorkItem. The Links pane will show the linked file, it's associated icon, and path to the file. You can also add a description to the file link. To open the file, just double click on the link, and the file will be opened in the associated application.

Customize the Notes Pane

Scheduling your time

You can customize the notes pane to look and behave just how you want. There are a variety of options for the notes pane to let you specify the default font, font size, background color and more. You can also set the default margins, header and footer size. You can specify the behavior of images both when inserting them and after they've been inserted. You can even specify the behavior of frames and tables, giving you complete control over your RTF editor.

Access Your Information Quickly From the Studio Bar

Studio Bar Mode

When Work Time Studio is in Studio Bar mode, you can access any of the panes quickly to retrive just the information you need. Shown here, the notes pane is retrived and shown on the desktop with the click of a button, allowing you to review or modify the note. You can opt to keep the notes pane on the desktop, but folded, by unpinning the notes pane while it resides on the desktop. The notes pane will collapse to show only the title bar. To show the notes pane, just move your mouse back over the title bar when it's floating on the desktop, and the notes pane will expand to show itself.

Wide Variety of Table Operations

Table Operations

There are very rich table operations available in the notes pane. Creating and filling a table is a piece of cake. Performing additional operations on the table are just as easy by simply right clicking on the table, row, column, or cell, and selecting from the variety of options available, depending on what was clicked on. You can add, remove, copy, paste rows and columns, as well as perfrorm many other table operations.

Add Images to Your Notes

Grouped Project Reports

You can add images to your notes pane very easily. Add them to a frame object, and freely move them anywhere in your document. You even have the ability to resize the images once you've added them if you wish, and make the images proportional when resizing them. You even have the ability to insert images as links to a file on your computer, or embedding the images in your notes, where the image data will be saved with the rest of your note.

Save Links to Other WorkItems

WorkItem Links

You can save links to other WorkItems in the Links Pane. This can be very handy to link two WorkItems which are associated in some way. To create a WorkItem link, simply drag and drop one WorkItem onto another while holding down the [Ctrl] key.

Print and Print Preview

Report Templates

You can print you notes just like any RTF document. You can also print preview your notes to see how it will look when printed. The print preview has a variety of options to allow you to see how the page will look when printed. Toggle back and forth between edit mode and print preview mode quickly, to make any adjustments.

Never Miss an Appointment or Event

Scheduled Event

You can create scheduled events and reminders within the Events Pane. A variety of options allow you to name and categorize the event, set the start and end date/time of the event, setup a reminder for the event and a lead time for the reminder, and add a description for the event. Extra options allow you to setup the event as recurring. You have even more recurring options, to setup the recurrence as weekly, monthly, yearly, and more. Work Time Studio will display the event in it's calendar, and remind you of the event at the time you specify. The event reminder allow you to ignore, accept, or snooze in which the reminder will show up later.