Reporting Features

Report Types and Chart Types

Report Type Toolbar

The reports in Work Time studio can be distinguished by report types and chart types. You can select the report type and chart type with the Report and Chart Type toolbar. Report types define the type of report you wish to generate. Each report type displays data for a specific purpose, and presents the data using the selected chart type. So, for each report type, you will have the option to display the report using different chart types. For example, one of the report types generated by Work Time Studio is the 'WorkItem Allocation Report'. You have the option of generating this report using either the Pie or the bar chart type.

Chart Properties

Chart Properties Pane

For each chart type, there are many chart properties that you can customize to change the look of the chart. These properties are displayed and edited in the Chart Properties Pane. Most of these properties are common to all chart types, and some of the properties are specific to a particular chart type. By using the chart properties, you can customize the chart in many ways. Many of the chart properties also allow you to customize the chart labels and legends. The chart properties are your best tool for giving your reports that special appeal.

Custom Report Styles

Report Styles

Work Time Studio allows you to add custom report styles to your generated reports. Report styles allow you to enhance the look and layout of your generated reports. Report styles consists of individual report style items, which contain one or more stylesheet (CSS) rules. Once created, you can apply any of your report style items to any generated report. You can add as many as your style items as you'd like to a single report, allowing you to mix and match your styles. Even if you have little knowledge of CSS, you can use the report styles to enhance the appearance of your generated reports.

Report Styles Pane

Report Styles Pane

The Report Styles Pane provides an interface to create, edit, delete, replicate, apply, and perform other operations on your report style items. The Report Styles Pane manages all your style items, and allows you to decide which of the style items you wish to apply to the current report. The Report Styles Pane also displays the contents of your style items, and allows you to preview how the styles will affect the content of your reports. You can even replicate any style item, to modify it and save it to a new style item.

Change Data Colors Instantly

Changing Report Data Point Color

Don't like the color that's appearing on the report for one of the WorkItems or WorkItem intervals? No problem! Just click on the data point which represents the WorkItem or WorkItem interval, and the Data Point Properties Pane will display all the information for the WorkItem or interval. You can then use the Data Point Properties Pane to change the color of the WorkItem associated with the data point, which will be reflected in the report instantly.

Regenerate Reports vs Refresh Reports

When using Work Time Studio's Report View, it's helpful to understand the difference between generating reports and refreshing reports. When generating a report, Work Time Studio will fetch any data from your database which is to be placed in the report. Refreshing a report will not access the database, and will reuse the current data. Work Time Studio will only regenerate a report when necessary, and will refresh a report for those cases where only the look of the report has changed.

Generate and Customize Your Own Reports

Report View

As you use Work Time Studio, you accumulate many WorkItems and many more WorkItem intervals. The reporting features of Work Time Studio present this data in ways which reveal how you rationed and allocated your time, as well as the progress you've made in your tasks as well as the progress you've made on your projects and groups as well. These reports can be useful for many different purposes, including scheduling, billing, invoicing, time allocation, project allocation, payroll, or just for informational purposes.

Reports and Charts

Report Vs Chart

When discussing reports generated by Work Time Studio, it's helpful to understand the differences between the concept of a report and a chart as used in Work Time Studio. A report is considered everything that appears in the large window of the Report View Pane. A chart, however, is just a part of the report. In most cases, the chart is the largest and most important part of the report. The chart includes the graphical representation of the data, any labels associated with the data, and the legend if present. The chart doesn't include the report headers and footers which you can add or customize.

Custom Report Markup

Report Markup

Work Time Studio allows you to add your own markup to any report that you generate. You can add report markup by creating and saving HTML scripts, which we call markup items, which you can then apply to a report. Once created, you can apply any of your report markup items to any of your generated reports. You can apply as many of your markup items you'd like to any report. Even if you have little knowledge of HTML, you can add custom markup to your reports to give them a professional custom look. Work Time Studio creates a default markup item for the header and footer of report, which you have the option of using.

Report Markup Pane

Report Markup Pane

With the Report Markup Pane, you can create, edit, delete, apply, view, and perform other operations on your report markup items. The Report Markup Pane manages all your markup items, and allows you to decide which of the markup items you wish to apply to the current report. The Report Markup Pane also displays the contents of your markup items, and allows you to preview how they will look on your reports. You can even replicate any markup item, to modify it and save it to a new markup item.

Print and Print Preview

Report Print Preview

Work Time Studio provides you with complete print and print preview operations for your generated reports. The print preview dialog provides the latest in print preview options, so you can set your report margins, page orientation, pagination, zoom options, supplement header and footer information, and more. With the print preview dialog, there will be no surprises when you print your reports.

Save Reports to Files

Work Time Studio allows you to save any generated report to a file, so that you can view the report on a website, over the network, or for practically any purpose. All you need to view the report is a browser, since all generated reports are standard XHTML documents. A saved report actually consists of two separate files. One of the files is the actual report in xhtml format, and has an .htm extension. The other file is a graphics generated file of the chart, in portable network graphics format, and has a .png extension. If moved, both files must exist in the same folder for the report to be viewed properly.

Report Filtering Options

Report Type Toolbar
Date Range Toolbar
Display Mode Toolbar
WorkItem Type Filter Toolbar
Status Filter Toolbar
Interval Type Filter

Generated reports contain report data, which includes data from WorkItems and WorkItem intervals. The data which is displayed on the reports is specified, or filtered by the use of the report filter option toolbars. These toolbars allow you filter the data, so the report displays only the data that you want. The report data can be filtered by the WorkItem type, WorkItem status, and interval type. You can also specify the exact date or date range of the data you want to appear on the report. A Display Mode Toolbar is also provided, which allows you to hand select WorkItems which you want to appear on the report.

Data Point Properties

Data Point Properties

The reports which are generated by Work Time Studio contain dynamic links in key areas on the chart. We call these areas data points, and you can easily tell where these areas are on the chart, because when you move your mouse cursor over these areas, the mouse cursor changes to the hand cursor. When you click on a data point, more information on the data point will be presented in the Data Point Properties pane. The data points are usually areas which represent a WorkItem or WorkItem interval.

Report Templates

Report Templates

Because there are so many ways you can customize your reports, Work Time Studio provides a way for you to save your custom report settings to a report template, which you can then execute later at any time. Report templates store the report type, chart type, chart properties, report filters, and applied markup and styles of a specific report. You can create a report template for any report you generate. User created report templates are known as custom report templates. Work Time Studio also creates a default report template for each report type/chart type combination available. These default report templates are used when you generate a report from the Report and Chart Type Toolbar. You can also save your custom report settings to the default report template for that particular report, which gives you the ability to customize the way each of the different reports will look by default when generated.

Report Templates Pane

Report Templates Pane

Report templates are organized and maintained in the Report Templates pane. The Report Templates pane allows you to add, delete, edit, rename, and execute any of your report templates. The Report Templates Pane also allows you to modify the default report templates for the different reports. You can create as many report templates as you like. You can also overwrite report templates with newly generated report settings.

Group Your Data For Summary Reports

Grouped Project Reports

Work Time Studio provides a way for you to group your data, so you can generate reports which summarize data for a WorkItem branch or multiple branches. The key to grouping your data is through the use of the Display Mode Toolbar. The third option in this toolbar, 'Selected With Descendants', allows you to group a whole WorkItem branch as a single data point. The data of the branch will then be represented by the single branch WorkItem. For instance, if you have three Projects which contain many descendants, you can use the 'Selected With Descendants' display mode, and select those three projects in the WorkItem Selection Tree Pane. The resulting report will display only three data points, but each data point will represent the data for the whole project branch.